East Coast C-Cerpants


Team Communications and Alerts

Electronic communication through the team’s website will be the primary method of team communication. Each registered family will receive access to a private account. This account is your one-stop shop for maintaining your contact information, declaring for swim meets, signing up for jobs, interactively tracking your swimmers times, and much more. 

ECCC uses SMS and email as primary communications for all emergency notifications, last-minute updates, inclement weather notifications, and pool closings. If your cell phone number is not verified within your account, the system will not be unable to send you any SMS alerts. We ask that everyone verify a cell phone number to avoid missing any important alerts or notifications.

  • ECCC Website News Feed: On the lower left-hand side of ccerpants.com you will find a tab called ECCC News. Updates and important communications will be posted here. 

  • Email: We ask all families to make sure they have a verified email address active in their account. This will ensure we are able to communicate important team information.

    • One thing that helps is for the user to add both [email protected] AND [email protected] to their contacts in their email host's web interface. This will often tell the email host to allow email from those addresses.

    • For details on how to verify your email address, please click HERE.

  • SMS/Text Messaging: In addition to email ECCC will utilize text messaging/SMS to send out immediate alerts for important fast-moving team information. In order to receive text messages, families must verify a valid phone number to receive these important communications. It is important that all team members verify a cell phone number within their Team Unify Account. 

    • For an easy-to-follow set of directions to sign up for text messaging alerts, please click HERE